Call for Papers: Issue Seven
Issue Seven
Article Proposal Deadline: 9th December 2024
Review Proposal Deadline: March 2025
Final Article Deadline: 1st March 2025
Final Review Deadline: 1st August 2025
The editorial team is seeking submissions for Aspectus Issue Six to be published in October 2025. Aspectus is an annual, peer-reviewed journal of visual studies developed by the History of Art Department at the University of York.
We welcome submissions of new research by past and present PhD researchers working on visual culture at the University of York in the department of History of Art. We are also seeking proposals for book and exhibition reviews of upcoming significant publications and exhibitions in the fields of art history and art theory. Current MA students (and alumni) from the University of York engaged in visual culture are also welcome to submit proposals for the reviews section.
The editorial team welcomes scholarly articles that relate to any period of art history, conservation, and museum studies. We encourage prospective authors from a variety of methodological and interdisciplinary approaches to the study of art and visual culture.
Submitting your Proposal
Aspectus accepts submissions electronically. All proposals should be sent as Word documents via email to with the subject: Article/Review 2025, Surname, First Name, “Proposed Title” (e.g. Article 2025, Smith, John, "An Example"). In the body of your email please also include your name and your affiliation with the University of York History of Art Department (e.g. current PhD student).
Guidance on what we expect to see in a proposal can be found below. If you have any questions about submitting your proposal, please get in touch with us by email or social media.
Proposing an Article
Contributors are asked to supply a brief abstract (300 words max) by 9th December 2024. If an article is already completed, contributors are welcome to submit it alongside their abstract. Accepted articles must be completed by 1st March 2025 to allow time for peer-reviewing and editing before publication.
Articles should be between 5,000 – 6,000 words in length (excluding endnotes). Updated versions/sections of particularly successful MA dissertations have often proved the ideal basis for an article. Illustrations should be supplied as necessary to support the text. All submitted articles must adhere to the Technical Guidelines and Style Guide.
Proposing a Review
Book and exhibition review proposals will refer to books published in 2025 and exhibitions ideally either still open at the time or one month prior to the journal's publication (October 2025). Accepted reviews should be between 800-1,000 words in length and must be finished by 1st August 2025.
Book review proposals should include: author’s/editor’s name, complete title of book (with a colon between the main title and the subtitle), place of publication, publisher, date of publication, total number of pages (including all front matter and illustrations that do not carry page numbers), number of illustrations (black and white and colour), price, as well as a short description (300 words max) on the text’s significant contribution to its field and/or why a review of the book is necessary.
Exhibition review proposals should include: title of the exhibition, location, exhibition dates, curators’ names, and a short description (300 words max) on the exhibition’s significant contribution to its field and/or why a review of it is necessary.