Technical Guide

All submissions should be in British English and adhere to the Chicago referencing style. 

Typescript layout: Articles should be typed, double-spaced with standard margins. Pages should be numbered, and end-notes should be used. These should be marked in the text using a super-scripted numerical system (1,2,3), placed outside punctuation, and where possible at the end rather than in the middle of a sentence. 

Alterations: In cases where an article has been accepted subject to revisions, the contributor must complete these changes by the given deadline to ensure publication in the forthcoming issue.  Failure to supply the requested edits may result in delayed publication or withdrawal from consideration. 

Illustrations and Copyright: Illustrations should be supplied where necessary and included upon submission. The editorial board recommends illustrations by the author when possible.  

If the article is selected for submission, contributors are solely responsible for securing copyright on any images included in their work. Further information will be supplied when the article reaches this stage in the editing process. Failure to supply illustrations or to secure copyright may result in delayed publication, or withdrawal from consideration. 

Images will need to be supplied in the following format and contributors are encouraged to have them in this format from the start:  

Further details on where to send the images will be supplied in the event that the article is selected for publication.